rozzin: Restraining myself from participating in #esr's `move emacs from !bzr...
Restraining myself from participating in #esr's `move emacs from !bzr to #git' thread on the #emacs #dev list.... http://status.hackerposse.com/url/4532
View Articlerozzin: !bzr init: a (new) Bazaar #Tutorial http://bzrinit.com/
!bzr init: a (new) Bazaar #Tutorialhttp://bzrinit.com/
View Articlerozzin: There's a !bzr "reserved edit" plugin. #Why? To help #DVCS users...
There's a !bzr"reserved edit" plugin. #Why? To help #DVCS users #remember the #bad-old-days of #VC? https://launchpad.net/bzr-reserved-edit
View Articlerozzin: !bzr rewrite/rebase plugin needs a new maintainer (as do several...
!bzr rewrite/rebase plugin needs a new maintainer (as do several others), in case anyone's interested in the job: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/bazaar/2014q1/075813.html
View Articlerozzin: "Merging in !bzr: The #git approach vs the #bzr approach (or, why...
"Merging in !bzr: The #git approach vs the #bzr approach (or, why explicit merges, a mainline, and merge direction are important)": http://toykeeper.net/tutorials/bzr-vs-git/
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